Sarge, a German shepherd, becomes a loving mother to orphaned deer

by Hanze Filo

Sarge, a 9-year-old German Shepherd, has captured the hearts of many with her remarkable ability to nurture and care for orphaned fawns. This gentle giant has proven that a dog’s love knows no bounds, as she selflessly becomes a mother figure to these vulnerable young animals in need.

The maternal instinct of a German shepherd when taking care of a herd of orphaned deer

German Shepherds are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and protective nature, but Sarge takes these traits to a whole new level. When her owner, Cheryl Stephan, introduced Sarge to her first orphaned fawn, Buckheat, the dog quickly embraced her new role as a mother. Sarge’s unconditional love and dedication to the fawn were evident in the way she guarded and cared for him, becoming his fierce protector against any potential harm.

The heartwarming scenes of Sarge and the fawn playing on the lawn together are a testament to the deep bond they formed. The large German Shepherd, with her powerful frame, acted like a gentle, nurturing mother, ready to defend her adopted child at all costs. Cheryl observed that Sarge’s compassion and affection for Buckheat were unlike anything she had seen before, and she knew that the dog would never be as gentle with other animals as she was with this special fawn.

A bitter farewell when having to return the grown deer to the mountains and forests

As Buckheat grew older and stronger, Cheryl knew the time had come to release him back into the wild. This decision was undoubtedly difficult, as Sarge had become so attached to her adopted son. The separation was heartbreaking for the loyal dog, who had shared so many cherished memories with the fawn.

The dog continues to care for other orphaned deer

However, Sarge’s compassion and nurturing spirit knew no bounds. As soon as Cheryl brought in more orphaned fawns, Sarge immediately stepped up as their caregiver, eager to shower them with the same love and protection she had given to Buckheat. The images of Sarge tending to the young fawns, acting as a gentle and attentive nanny, are a true testament to the incredible capacity for love in this remarkable German Shepherd.

Sarge’s story serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of unconditional love. Her ability to open her heart and embrace these vulnerable fawns, providing them with the safety, comfort, and affection they desperately needed, is truly inspiring. This German Shepherd’s actions challenge the misconception that dogs are inherently mischievous or careless, showcasing the depth of their emotional intelligence and their capacity to empathize with and nurture other beings in need.

Sarge’s remarkable journey as a loving mother to orphaned fawns has captured the hearts of many, inspiring awe and wonder at the boundless capacity for love within the animal kingdom. Her story serves as a powerful reminder that true compassion and care transcend species, and that the most meaningful relationships are often forged through the shared experience of unconditional love.

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