A woman was shocked to discover puppy stuck in a box covered with tape

by Hanze Filo

It was a typical evening in the quiet neighborhood. People were winding down, tying up loose ends before settling in for the night. Carla Stowe, the president of Baby Gunn’s Animal Rescue in Paris, Texas, had planned a cozy evening at home. Little did she know her quiet night would take an unexpected turn.

What’s That Hiding In The Crate?

As Carla was locking up for the night, her dogs started acting strangely – they were restless, ignoring her commands, and constantly trying to direct her attention outside. Sensing something was amiss, Carla let the dogs out and followed them into the yard. The sight that greeted her there was shocking.

Illuminated by the beam of Carla’s flashlight, a large yellow crate sat in the middle of the yard. Carla knew immediately it didn’t belong to her. As she cautiously approached, she heard thumping and other noises coming from within the crate. Her heart raced, fearing the worst. Carefully peeling back the layers of duct tape sealing the crate shut, Carla peered inside and was met with a pair of sad eyes staring back at her.

“His head was down, but I could hear the constant thumping of his tail,” Stowe recounted.

A Pitbull Pup in Peril

To Carla’s dismay, the inhabitant of the crate was a Pitbull puppy. As the president of an animal rescue, she knew all too well the challenges these misunderstood dogs face. Someone had heartlessly abandoned this poor pup, trapping him inside the crate and sealing it shut with duct tape and zip ties to prevent his escape.

“When I realized it was a Pitbull, my heart sank,” Stowe said. “It wasn’t the fact that someone left a dog in my yard that shocked me. It was the fact that someone abandoned a dog, and left it locked in a crate, all secured with ziplocks and duct tape so he couldn’t escape!”

Carla’s anger and heartbreak were palpable. How could someone treat a living, sentient being with such cruelty? Fortunately, this pup’s misfortune led him to Carla’s yard, where he found a compassionate rescuer instead of a more sinister fate.

Bring hope to the poor dog

Without hesitation, Carla sprung into action, quickly cutting open the crate and freeing the trapped puppy. She immediately transported the Pitbull, now named RD, to the safety of Baby Gunn’s Animal Rescue. There, the young dog began the process of healing and rehabilitation, both physically and emotionally.

While RD’s future was uncertain, Carla was determined to find him a loving, forever home. She knew all too well the challenges Pitbulls face, with statistics showing they are one of the most endangered dog breeds and the most abused according to PETA. In fact, a recent survey revealed that 25% of Americans harbor a strong dislike for the breed.

“Let’s hope and pray there are no more cases like RD’s ever again,” Carla said, her voice tinged with hope and determination.

As RD slowly warmed up to the shelter staff and residents, Carla remained steadfast in her commitment to finding him the perfect family. She knew that with time, patience, and the right environment, RD would blossom into the loving companion he was meant to be.

The story of RD’s rescue serves as a poignant reminder of the cruelty and prejudice that still exists towards certain dog breeds. But it also shines a light on the unwavering dedication of animal rescuers like Carla, who refuse to give up on these misunderstood and often mistreated dogs. With compassion and perseverance, they strive to give each pup a second chance at the happy, healthy life they deserve.

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