A stray cat finds safety at the doorstep of a Catcuddles volunteer

by Hanze Filo

Today’s #PawsitivePic features Trigger, a stray cat who stumbled upon the doorstep of a Catcuddles volunteer in Abbey Wood one day. This stroke of luck was a game-changer for Trigger, who was struggling to survive as an unneutered stray on the streets.

The Catcuddles volunteer quickly took action, arranging for Trigger to be neutered and brought to the organization’s SE2 fostering base. With his outgoing personality, friendly demeanor, and piercing green eyes, Trigger has already generated significant adoption interest. The staff at Catcuddles are optimistic that a loving forever home is just around the corner for him.

Trigger’s face bears the signs of a previous abscess, a common injury among unneutered male cats. These abscesses often result from the vicious bite wounds inflicted during territorial fights, which can then become infected and develop into painful swellings. Tragically, these untreated bite wounds are also a primary means of transmitting Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) among stray cats.

Trigger is currently awaiting an FIV test at Catcuddles’ new North London clinic. Even if he tests positive, the staff reassures that FIV-positive cats can live long, healthy, and comfortable lives in a safe, loving home with proper veterinary care. It is the stray, FIV-positive cats living in poor conditions that suffer the most from this virus.

The opening of Catcuddles’ North London clinic has tripled the organization’s ability to provide veterinary treatment and find forever homes for cats like Trigger. Catcuddles is dedicated to transforming the lives of countless stray and abandoned felines in the years to come. Trigger’s story is a heartwarming example of how a simple act of kindness can make all the difference for a cat in need.

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